
In State Policy Analysis: Per Pupil Facility Funding, the Facility Center analyzes the 18 states with per pupil facilities funding, looking at the statutes, operations, and funding for these programs.

State funding for charter facilities has steadily increased from 1998 to 2019, with California, Florida, Minnesota, and Washington, DC exponentially increasing total appropriations for facilities. School Year 2018-2019 marked the highest total appropriate across the majority of the 18 states, and School Year 2019-2020 is on track to see another record-breaking year for state funding of charter school facilities. Yet, no state is close to covering the total costs of facilities.

More than 3,200 charter schools received facilities funding through these programs in School Year 2018-2019, serving more than 1.5 million students, totaling $1.1 billion. Yet nearly 3,800 charter schools and more than 1.6 million students did not receive funding through these programs.

Download State Policy Analysis: Per Pupil Facility Funding and the companion paper, State Policy Snapshot: Facilities Funding for Public Charter Schools.


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